Sunday, December 16, 2007

2 treatments under my belt!

Yep, I started on Thursday. You cannot imagine how many things are going through your head while you lay there! I know that it is actually DOING something, but I swear, I feel like it's time wasted! I go in, take off my top and put on a hospital gown, lay down in my "cradle" that I mentioned in a previous post, with my arms above my head, and it's very uncomfortable, flat on my back! Anyway, wait for them to get me positioned just right so that the lasers line up where they are suppose to, remember I can't move at all while they are doing this, I was even asked not to chew my gum the first day!!!! Then they walk out of the room and I'm left alone with this very large piece of equipment hovering over me, then there is a loud buzzing sound for several seconds then they return to do it all over again for a total of 3 times, then it's over. I go back and get dressed and come back the next day and this will go on for 33 business days, lol. I say that because I don't go on weekends and I don't go on holidays. You'd think I'd be excited to be done, and I am, but I haven't even looked at a calendar to see when my last one would be. I also need to ask them what would happen in the case of bad weather or if me or one of the kids were sick. Speaking of the kids, the twins have their Christmas party at school this coming Wednesday and then they are out for break. Autumn, my 7yr old daughter, finally worked up the nerve to get her ears pierced! They look so cute! How's the weather there? We are finally getting some snow! Mostly flurries all day, but there is a chance of a couple of inches tonight! I've been itching for a good snow for a few weeks now, so I would love to see some of the white stuff! Well, I can't think of much else to write about, so it's off of here for me. Thanks for visiting me!


Snarky Mom Reads said...

Okay, I'm finally getting around to getting anything done on my blog and catching up with everyone else... I'm glad to see that the radiation is going so well, even though it was a shock to you having to get it :(! I'm sure Autumn looks adorable with her pierced ears -- now Daddy just has to get her some diamonds LOL! Hope Santa was good to you all - it looks like he threw up toys here!

Sherry said...

yea, Autumn!!! Tell her to get some big Jezzy-bell hoops and flip her hair and make them shake...Oh and the red lipstick is a must...Or should I be the one to teach her that??? LOL

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