Ya know, I just realized I didn't say WHY I was getting a CT scan in the last post, lol. Well, for the past 2 yrs or so, I've been having spells of nausea, at least once a month, sometimes more. When I got the cancer diagnosis, I just assumed that was the reason, but then after all treatments were over, the nausea came back, and maybe a little worse. Ok, I know it was worse cause I was actually vomiting and couldn't keep anything down. So I mention this to my oncologist, not really sure if I needed to be worried about it or not. And that's what the scans were ordered for. The stomach ultrasound showed that I have gallstones! It also showed that there were some suspicious spots on my liver. Probably nothing more than fatty cysts, but still need to checked out closer. After all, the liver is a common place for the cancer to reoccur. And so there was a MRI ordered, but thankfully it showed nothing to be concerned about!!!!! Ok, back to the gallstones. There is one good thing coming out of it, I get to go back to my surgeon, the good looking one! Had a consult with him last week and will be having it taken out June 30th. It will be a same day surgery and I should be coming home that day as long as everything goes as planned and there are no complications, and I don't expect there to be any. According to what I have read and what others have told me, I will probably be sore a couple of days, but nothing really horrible. I've been through worse, right?
After that appointment, I had to go see Kelley, my onc. They just found out that their office will be closing! Honestly, this really makes me mad! My first onc already left a while back, and I felt really, I don't know, almost scared I guess. I mean they have treated me since the beginning of this nasty beast, I don't want to have to see someone else. But I continued seeing Kelley, she's the nurse practitioner in the office and she's wonderful. But now she's not even going to be there, no one is! I know it's not their fault and not their decision. My security blanket has been taken away from me, THEY were my security blanket, they, along with the grace of God, are the ones that made me better. There, I got that off my chest, maybe I'll start feeling better about it. Here is a pic Doug took of me and Kelley.
Sorry that you're losing the office/members that meant so much to you. I hope that you'll feel much better once the gallbladder is out! How are the kids doing??
well, look at that hair, would ya!!!! pretty pretty pretty...so can we see a closer up one with a more recent growth? I mean, that has been 2 weeks ago, right???
Love ya and miss ya!!!! Cant wait till October.
Hang in there.. maybe you can find out where Kelley is going?
As for gallstones....that surgery was easy..the attacks/pain was worse and recovering from the surgery was not bad...
Lots of prayers for everything still coming your way GF.
Isn't it about time for an update??
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