Thursday, June 21, 2007

round two was a go!

Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts everybody! My white blood count went back up to 9 something, and the minimum is 4, so I was in good shape as far as that goes. But... she was really concerned about my iron level being so low and that it will contribute to making me feel tired and depressed, along with the chemo and just being dx with cancer too. She told me that I would have to take at least 4 iron supplement tabs by mouth a day to get as much as I needed and that she really didn't recommend me do that because it would cause really bad constipation and a few other side effects that I don't remember. So she offered to give it to me through my iv while I was there, said it was a good way to "get my tank filled up", lol and it would help a great deal with my energy would add an extra 2 1/2 to 3hrs to time sitting in the chemo room, ugh! Oh well, no big deal, I didn't have anything else planned and I had brought plenty stuff to keep me occupied! Had some music to listen to, a word find book, and my fave right now, a sudoku number puzzle book. Somehow, tho, Doug ended up with that one, hmph! I finally convinced him to go home for a while but he didn't want me to stay by myself, altho I would have been just fine and content by myself, so I called Kim and asked if she want to come sit a while, to ease his mind, and she did. And I be dag gum if Kim didn't take over the numbers book when Doug left! LOL!!! Might have been cause I was gonna take me a nap! They give me some benedryl through iv and that was enough for a nice little visit to sleepy town! But it was embarrassing to wake up and see people laughing at ya! Thankfully by that time, most everybody was gone, Kim had moved over to the seat next to me and the seat on the other side was empty so the rest of the people were back towards the other end of the room. I have been known to "jump" in my sleep, some people may call it jerk, but it involves my whole body, not just a foot or hand or other single limb, and, that's what I did, and it must have been pretty bad cause Kim was snickering and I looked over the other way and there was another lady grinning from ear to ear so she must have seen me to. Needless to say that was the end of that nap! And I woke up sweating like crazy! Sweat was running off my forehead, neck, chest, back, and sitting in a leather/vinyl recliner didn't help matters none! And all the other patients in there had blankets on, lol, and here I was wiping sweat! One of the meds they give me cause hot flash type symptoms so that must have been the deal. I also talked to the dr about the really bad headaches from last time so she changed some meds around and so far it seems to be doing the trick! She thinks it could be from one of the anti-nausea iv drips called loxy (not sure if that is spelled right) and it stays in your system for up to 5 days, and that's about how long I had that constant headache. So she took that off my menu and added a zofran drip and then I also have to take it morning and night for two days. Altho it's just the next day, no headache so I'm happy! The dr was so happy that I done well the first time and was really surprised that I hadn't had any aching bones and mouth sores and of course that the nausea was kept controlled. I also asked for something to help me sleep better at night, I just haven't had a good nights sleep since my surgery, it's constantly tossing and turning! That wasn't a problem and said it was common. I have to go back today for my Neulasta shot, then next week for blood work, and then the week after that will be chemo time again. It just so happens that the next treatment would fall on the 4th of July, so I will be the day after and that will be the day before my birthday! Reading that over, looks clear as mud! I'll have my next round on 7/5 and my birthday is 7/6, so I will be celebrating the big 30 with a big shot in the arm since I have to have my shot the day after treatment! WooHoo, what a way to celebrate, and I should be completely bald to boot! Well, been on here long enough, have a dr appt to get ready for!



Kristi, Just look at the Neulasta shot on your birthday as a "get well" present. I had my surgery on my birthday - now there was a present - LOL!!!!!!! I have my 5th treatment on the 5th also - I'll be thinking of you!!!!!

Take care - MaryAnn

P.S. You'll have to let me know how Mrs. Lipe is doing - I haven't seen her for many years - she and Mr. Lipe are/were such special people!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey gir I am so glad to hear of your great progress! Some girls came into work today selling cookies and things for the breast cancer society so I bought some in your honor! Love ya! Stacy Webb

Anonymous said...

im glad you're doing so well with the chemo. harleys lymph nodes are starting to get big again so i'm having to deal with that here. i'm afraid shes going to have to start chemo again soon. i'm sorry i haven't caught you online or called you in a little while. just things are insane around here..
love you bunches,